Course calendar
In our perception CBR staff should be creative problem solvers, being able to create out-of-the-box solutions for problems met in the field. We enhance reflective reasoning skills in our trainings, building on the experiential learning cycle. We offer both regular and tailor-made courses in Community Based Rehabilitation. Our regular courses usually consist of 2 weeks of training. Tailor-made courses can be established for different durations, in different settings and with different objectives.
Enablement Nepal Training Courses:
1. Evolutions in CBR and Inclusive Development
Since its onset in the early eighties, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) has evolved considerably. A paradigm shift is noted from mainly a medical to a more human rights model on disability, which connects CBR with mainstream development strategies. Nowadays CBR and Disability Inclusive Development (DID) are complementary approaches to pursue the same goal: develop disability inclusive societies. During this training, you will be introduced to the state-of-the-art developments in CBR and DID, building upon the WHO CBR Guidelines, the ICF and the UNCRPD. This course is a highly practical course, which focuses on the development of competencies in for instance context and needs analysis, project management including attention for monitoring and evaluation; community mobilisation, networking; lobby and advocacy. Yet, while there will be strong focus on the interventions that are needed to make society more disability inclusive, sufficient time will be allocated to review the importance of the individual needs and challenges as well.
2. M&E, from output to impact
Are you or is your organisation also concerned about the Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability and thus the quality of the programmes they are financing, running or managing? Then, this is the course you need to follow! During this short course, you will learn to better monitor and evaluate your programmes. The Participatory Inclusion Evaluation toolkit will be presented. This toolkit is a joint product of the University College of London, the University of Cape Town, the Royal Tropical Institute and Enablement, consisting of a set of tools to measure impact at the community level. We furthermore pay sufficient attention to the Roads to Inclusion Tool developed with Light for the World Austria and Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting in the context of disability and development projects.
Where: Kathmandu Nepal, Dhulikhel Lodge
For whom: Managers, policy makers and evaluators in CBR / DID
Course fee: € 995, inclusive of tuition fees, airport transfers and full board and lodging. Nepali participants pay a local fee of € 495.
Minimum # of participants: 15
Trainers: Huib Cornielje, Kiran Wagle (Enablement Nepal)
3. Management and Leadership in CBR and DID
If you are looking for a course that is thought-provoking, and helping you to reflect on current practices in the world of disability, development and rehabilitation it is time that you participate in this course. In this 2-week course we move away from often inappropriately imposed narrow western perspectives of disability development, regardless of context or the strengths and weaknesses of communities and together we try to find honest and practical answers to the immense needs of people with disabilities, their families and society at large.
Where: The Netherlands
For whom: Managers, policy makers in CBR / DID
Course fee: € 2250, inclusive of tuition fees, airport transfers but exclusive of boarding and lodging.
Minimum # of participants: 11
Trainers: Huib Cornielje,
For enquiries please don't hesitate to consult:
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