Evolutions in CBR and DID

"Disability inclusion is about society changing to accommodate differences..." Since its onset in the early eighties Community Based Rehabilitation - CBR - has evolved drastically. The paradigm shift towards the human rights model on disability, connected CBR with mainstream community development strategies. Nowadays CBR and Disability Inclusive Development - DID - (likely to be combined in Community Based Inclusion) are complementary approaches to pursue the one objective: disability inclusive societies. During this course you will be introduced to the state-of-the-art developments in CBR and DID, building upon the WHO CBR Guidelines, the ICF and the UNCRPD. It will be a highly practical course focusing on skills acquisition in Project Management and Evaluation; community mobilisation and networking; lobby and advocacy.

When: 07/03 - 18/03 
Where: Kathandu Nepal, Dhulikhel Lodge
For whom: Staff of (Non) Governmental Organisations working in CBR / DID
Course fee: € 1750, inclusive of tuition fees, airport transfers and full board and lodging. Nepali participants pay a local fee of € 750.
Application deadline: 31 December 2015
Minimum # of participants: 11 
Trainers: Evert Veldman, Kiran Wagle (Enablement Nepal)



We can also offer course on a tailor-made basis. For enquiries please don't hesitate to contact: info@enablement.nl.

The best comment we received during the final evaluation of the 11th International CBR Course in Pokhara (3rd-14th of March 2014): "You helped us discovering on our own." This resonates the basic CBR requirements: 

Go in search of your people,
love them, learn from them,
plan with them, serve them,
begin with what they have,
build on what they know,
but of the best leaders when the task is accomplished
the people will remark,
We have done it ourselves.